L'Italia nel Mondo



L'Italia in Brasile

Sito bilingue (Italiano e portoghese) del nostro connazionale Giuseppe Ulivi che vive in Brasile da circa due decadi. Pensato per tutti coloro che amano L'Italia e desiderano conoscerla meglio ma soprattutto per gli oltre 25 milioni di discendenti di italiani che vivono in Brasile e che sono desiderosi di ricostruire le proprie origini, rintracciare eventuali parenti ancora vivi in Italia ed ottenere il riconoscimento della cittadinanza italiana a cui hanno diritto per il "Jus sanguinis" così come previsto dalla Costituzione Italiana.

Agenzia Italia di Cittadinanza Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza.


Agrizzi Cittadinanza Italiana Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza.


Cittadinanza Italiana Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza. Ricerca di documenti in Brasile ed in Italia ai fini della doppia cittadinanza.


Il monumento agli immigrati italiani  

The American Immigrant Wall of Honor

Il monumento agli immigrati italiani in America, Ellis Island, dove, pagando, puoi aggiungere il tuo nome o quello dei tuoi cari.

La diaspora italiana in America sotto la statua della Libertà



Immigration Center A cavallo tra il centro servizi on line e il portale, Immigration Center è lo sportello di servizio per gli immigrati in USA, anche italiani. "The American Immigration Center strives to provide Immigration and Naturalization solutions through a range of Immigration, Naturalization & Citizenship products and services." A cavallo tra il centro servizi on line e il portale, Immigration Center è lo sportello di servizio per gli immigrati in USA, anche italiani. "The American Immigration Center strives to provide Immigration and Naturalization solutions through a range of Immigration, Naturalization & Citizenship products and services." A cavallo tra il centro servizi on line e il portale, Immigration Center è lo sportello di servizio per gli immigrati in USA, anche italiani. "The American Immigration Center strives to provide Immigration and Naturalization solutions through a range of Immigration, Naturalization & Citizenship products and services." A cavallo tra il centro servizi on line e il portale, Immigration Center è lo sportello di servizio per gli immigrati in USA, anche italiani. "The American Immigration Center strives to provide Immigration and Naturalization solutions through a range of Immigration, Naturalization & Citizenship products and services." A cavallo tra il centro servizi on line e il portale, Immigration Center è lo sportello di servizio per gli immigrati in USA, anche italiani. "The American Immigration Center strives to provide Immigration and Naturalization solutions through a range of Immigration, Naturalization & Citizenship products and services." A cavallo tra il centro servizi on line e il portale, Immigration Center è lo sportello di servizio per gli immigrati in USA, anche italiani. "The American Immigration Center strives to provide Immigration and Naturalization solutions through a range of Immigration, Naturalization & Citizenship products and services." A cavallo tra il centro servizi on line e il portale, Immigration Center è lo sportello di servizio per gli immigrati in USA, anche italiani. "The American Immigration Center strives to provide Immigration and Naturalization solutions through a range of Immigration, Naturalization & Citizenship products and services."


Immigration History Research Center Founded in 1965, the Immigration History Research Center (IHRC) at the University of Minnesota is an international resource on American immigration and ethnic history. Sito interessante anche per l’emigrazione italiana.


Il Sogno Delle Radici Sito dedicato al programma che condusse giovani di 20 paesi a conoscere la terra de propri antenati: l'Italia Sito dedicato al programma che condusse giovani di 20 paesi a conoscere la terra de propri antenati: l'Italia Sito dedicato al programma che condusse giovani di 20 paesi a conoscere la terra de propri antenati: l'Italia Sito dedicato al programma che condusse giovani di 20 paesi a conoscere la terra de propri antenati: l'Italia Sito dedicato al programma che condusse giovani di 20 paesi a conoscere la terra de propri antenati: l'Italia Sito dedicato al programma che condusse giovani di 20 paesi a conoscere la terra de propri antenati: l'Italia Sito dedicato al programma che condusse giovani di 20 paesi a conoscere la terra de propri antenati: l'Italia


Italia A Itália é hoje a quinta potência industrial do mundo. Os habitantes da Itália são 57 milhões, enquanto os italianos e seus descendentes no mundo são cerca de 62 - 63 milhões, sendo 23 milhões residentes no Brasil. Aproximadamente estes 27% fazem do Brasil o país do mundo onde se encontra a maior concentração de oriundos italianos. Destes 23 milhões, cerca de 15 milhões residem no estado de São Paulo, e calcula-se que só na cidade de São Paulo quase um terço da população é de origem italiana


Italian Heritage Net!  

Alle origini dell’italianità in America


Italian-American Pages These pages are dedicated to the descendants of those Italians who crossed the ocean and emigrated to an unknown land leaving their town and their loved ones to look for a better future for themselves and their family. As an Italian-American who was born in Italy and has traveled and worked there, I am often surprised by the misconceptions that the descendants of Italian immigrants have about Italy. These pages are dedicated to the descendants of those Italians who crossed the ocean and emigrated to an unknown land leaving their town and their loved ones to look for a better future for themselves and their family. As an Italian-American who was born in Italy and has traveled and worked there, I am often surprised by the misconceptions that the descendants of Italian immigrants have about Italy. These pages are dedicated to the descendants of those Italians who crossed the ocean and emigrated to an unknown land leaving their town and their loved ones to look for a better future for themselves and their family. As an Italian-American who was born in Italy and has traveled and worked there, I am often surprised by the misconceptions that the descendants of Italian immigrants have about Italy. These pages are dedicated to the descendants of those Italians who crossed the ocean and emigrated to an unknown land leaving their town and their loved ones to look for a better future for themselves and their family. As an Italian-American who was born in Italy and has traveled and worked there, I am often surprised by the misconceptions that the descendants of Italian immigrants have about Italy. These pages are dedicated to the descendants of those Italians who crossed the ocean and emigrated to an unknown land leaving their town and their loved ones to look for a better future for themselves and their family. As an Italian-American who was born in Italy and has traveled and worked there, I am often surprised by the misconceptions that the descendants of Italian immigrants have about Italy. These pages are dedicated to the descendants of those Italians who crossed the ocean and emigrated to an unknown land leaving their town and their loved ones to look for a better future for themselves and their family. As an Italian-American who was born in Italy and has traveled and worked there, I am often surprised by the misconceptions that the descendants of Italian immigrants have about Italy. These pages are dedicated to the descendants of those Italians who crossed the ocean and emigrated to an unknown land leaving their town and their loved ones to look for a better future for themselves and their family. As an Italian-American who was born in Italy and has traveled and worked there, I am often surprised by the misconceptions that the descendants of Italian immigrants have about Italy.


Italiani nel mondo Banche dati sugli emigrati italiani negli Stati Uniti, Argentina e Brasile. La banca dati è costituita, dal '93, presso il Centro di documentazione sulle popolazioni e le culture italiane nel mondo della Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli di Torino. Esse contengono la trascrizione delle informazioni riportate nei registri di sbarco delle navi giunte nei porti di New York, Buenos Aires e Vitoria, limitatamente ai passeggeri di nazionalità italiana.


Genealogy pages




"Vuoi conoscere la tua identità italiana? Scopri con GENS la distribuzione del tuo cognome in Italia, il significato del tuo nome, le risorse della tua regione. Chiedici di scoprire l'origine e la storia della tua famiglia. GENS nasce dall'iniziativa e dalle esperienze di un gruppo di laureati in discipline umanistiche presso la Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Genova, con specializzazione in storia, demografia e statistica, archivistica e biblioteconomia. E' nato come progetto culturale: solo dopo la prima realizzazione e il primo impatto con il pubblico abbiamo pensato di arricchirlo, renderlo disponibile all'utenza interessata immettendolo sul web e trasformarlo anche in un servizio commerciale."


Italians in the gold rush Italians in the Gold Rush: alla scoperta degli Italiani che hanno partecipato alla Corsa all'Oro nel del 1848 nel mitico Far West... Una splendida mostra virtuale.


La inmigración italiana en Costa Rica Una pagina di storia dell’emigrazione italiana in Costa Rica


Le tue Radici  

Motore di ricerca per l'emigrazione


PIE Genealogy National Italian-American Federation Genealogia Italiana, Eredità, Cultura e Database di nomi


POINT -Pursuing Our Italian Names Together The American Network of Italian Genealogy. POINT is a network of some 2000 active members. "The POINT Italian Surname Database is a major resource for Italian family names and currently contains over 22,000 active surnames which have been entered by POINTers located in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and countries around the world, including Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Guam, Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Spain, The Netherlands, Uruguay and our common homeland, Italy." The American Network of Italian Genealogy. POINT is a network of some 2000 active members. "The POINT Italian Surname Database is a major resource for Italian family names and currently contains over 22,000 active surnames which have been entered by POINTers located in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and countries around the world, including Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Guam, Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Spain, The Netherlands, Uruguay and our common homeland, Italy." The American Network of Italian Genealogy. POINT is a network of some 2000 active members. "The POINT Italian Surname Database is a major resource for Italian family names and currently contains over 22,000 active surnames which have been entered by POINTers located in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and countries around the world, including Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Guam, Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Spain, The Netherlands, Uruguay and our common homeland, Italy." The American Network of Italian Genealogy. POINT is a network of some 2000 active members. "The POINT Italian Surname Database is a major resource for Italian family names and currently contains over 22,000 active surnames which have been entered by POINTers located in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and countries around the world, including Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Guam, Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Spain, The Netherlands, Uruguay and our common homeland, Italy." The American Network of Italian Genealogy. POINT is a network of some 2000 active members. "The POINT Italian Surname Database is a major resource for Italian family names and currently contains over 22,000 active surnames which have been entered by POINTers located in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and countries around the world, including Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Guam, Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Spain, The Netherlands, Uruguay and our common homeland, Italy." The American Network of Italian Genealogy. POINT is a network of some 2000 active members. "The POINT Italian Surname Database is a major resource for Italian family names and currently contains over 22,000 active surnames which have been entered by POINTers located in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and countries around the world, including Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Guam, Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Spain, The Netherlands, Uruguay and our common homeland, Italy." The American Network of Italian Genealogy. POINT is a network of some 2000 active members. "The POINT Italian Surname Database is a major resource for Italian family names and currently contains over 22,000 active surnames which have been entered by POINTers located in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and countries around the world, including Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Guam, Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Spain, The Netherlands, Uruguay and our common homeland, Italy."


Proyecto Emigracion-Inmigracion  

Página de consultación de documentos sobre la emigración italiana a la Argentina


RuthAnns' Italian Genealogy  

Italian Genealogy


Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.  

The Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.




Immigration in Italy

This site provides a services to those who work in immigration issues in Italy. Contains research reports, thesis, statistics and a guide to agencies dealing with immigrants.

Macondo is a volunteer association which assists immigrants in Italy. Their site is designed to help immigrants to get relevant information.



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